Tech Bulletins
Posted by: SSK Military Industries, Inc. 3 years ago

In the past, we took advantage of the fact that no one jumps from an altitude above 38,600 feet (11,750 meters) MSL in order to be able to better detect and act accordingly in the event of a -principally possible- sensor malfunction.
If a sensor is faulty, it can generate any pressure value. By locking the low pressure ranges (= high altitudes) for internal testing purposes, we can make the CYPRES a little safer.
Now recently, there is a Dropzone in the USA that offers jumps from altitudes of 41,000 feet (12,500 meters) MSL which is above our limit.
In order to protect the skydivers in these extreme conditions, we have changed an algorithm and moved our upper limit from 38,600 feet (11,750 meters) to 65,000 feet (20,000 meters).
This extended range of operation is of no concern from the safety point of view.
All new CYPRES with a manufacturing date of November 2021 and later have this new threshold version, and all CYPRES that come in for maintenance will automatically receive it.
CYPRES is known for reacting quickly to changes in the sport and in the environment. This is one of our procedures to help make the sport as safe as possible.
We do trust that every skydiver will take a critical look at his/her plans and be fully aware of the details and the safety aspects of their activities. For very high jumps please also take thorough care for the proper equipment that is needed for such events.
If you have questions you can contact us.